Friday, September 9, 2011

Great freebies from Vocalpoint

If you haven't signed up with Vocalpoint, you should! They give you lots of free samples & great high-value coupons. Next week they're doing a promotion for Del Monte Fruit Naturals in juice, not syrup. That means you'll be able to score some free most likely. I love being a Vocalpoint member. just copy & paste the link into your browser to register & then check back here on Tuesday to get the exclusive savings code.

Here's the savings link:


  1. Thanks for the update! I'm a member of vocalpoint and I think sometimes i just get swamped by emails! :D Thanks for the encouragement to start up vocal point again.

    Following you from my blog:
    Thanks for entering into my giveaways!

  2. Thanks for commenting! I love getting the freebies from them. I haven't really gotten too many emails from them though. Maybe once a month or so..
