Friday, August 5, 2011

Best Haul Yet!

Went to Meijer & took advantage of the weekend BOGO sales, along with a great deal featuring Kelloggs products. They gave you $10 off 3 packs of Fruit of the Loom, meaning I got all 3 packs for $2 total. :) This was my best haul yet. I spent $55 & saved $83! The rundown:
14 boxes General Mills cereal
4 boxes Post cereal
1 dozen eggs
3 packs Fruit of the Loom tube socks
6 boxes Nature valley granola bars
2 boxes Snackwell bars
1 bottle apple cider vinegar
3 regular sized jars Skippy peanut butter
4 boxes Keebler cookies
3 botttles Wishbone dressing
12 rolls Quilted Northern toilet paper
2 boxes fruit snacks
1 lb raw blanched almonds

Kitten was not included as a premium...definitely didn't get a new CATalina!! rimshot! :)


  1. Wow, I envy you.. What a HAUL!

  2. Thanks Marina! I've only been doing this a couple months, so it's still exciting to see how much we can save. :)
